
UpViser and the DANA Storm

Lessons in Solidarity and Resilience

DANA Storm | UpViser Spain

1. Photo of our former office / 2. Street in Paiporta, Valencia

December 2024

Reinventing Ourselves After the Storm: A Forward-Looking Gratitude

On October 29, while traveling to Madrid for work, the DANA storm began wreaking havoc in Valencia and the surrounding areas. By midday, our team at UpViser had already taken precautionary measures: Mirna, our logistics manager, left the office in Paiporta earlier than usual; Manuel was returning from the Basque Country with news of road closures; David was trying to get back to Paiporta from Madrid, forced to make stops along the way; and Olivia was working from home in the region between Valencia and Alicante. That afternoon, we exchanged messages, warning each other about the heavy rains and agreeing to stay in touch. By 8 p.m., we began to grasp the severity of the situation. At dawn the next day, the scene was devastating: over 87 municipalities affected, more than 140,000 vehicles destroyed, and irreparable human losses.

Solidarity in the Face of Inaction

The magnitude of the disaster exposed the inadequate initial response from the authorities: only 500 members of the Military Emergency Unit (UME) were deployed out of a total of 3,200 available. While local and central governments debated responsibilities, aid arrived thanks to volunteers, neighbors, and people from various regions who, within the first three days, took charge of clearing streets, distributing food, and providing emotional support. This spontaneous mobilization was a beacon of hope amidst the chaos.

However, it also sparked frustration and a sense of helplessness. From helicopters, the scale of the disaster was already evident, yet political leaders focused on blaming each other instead of coordinating effective relief efforts. The public called for the mobilization of all available resources nationwide and the acceptance of external aid. This did not happen until it was too late, leaving a lingering feeling of abandonment.

Recovery and Community Commitment

At UpViser, we faced the arduous task of emptying our flooded office and relocating operations to a temporary space in central Valencia, thanks to the support of close contacts. Ensuring the continuity of the supply chain to hospitals was a top priority. Over the following days, we worked tirelessly to remove furniture, materials, and damaged products. This effort included long hours of communication with insurance companies, manufacturers, and clients to minimize the impact on our operations.

We also engaged in community initiatives to support those most affected. In collaboration with the Asociación Charlie de Alicante, AECEP (Spanish Association of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery), clients, and friends hundreds of kilometers away, we managed to donate 102 ozone generators to clean indoor spaces in the coming weeks. The areas near Valencia still suffer from the invisible yet tangible effects of the disaster: intense odors of decay and humidity, compounding respiratory issues that should be a public health priority.

These efforts have been our way of giving back to a community that has also supported us. To this day, we continue to work on projects to provide cleaner air in nurseries serving children displaced from schools in the affected areas, thanks to small private donations and additional support from AECEP.

Although we have received modest aid of €7,000 from the Generalitat Valenciana, claims to the Insurance Compensation Consortium may take months to resolve. This lengthy bureaucratic process adds another hurdle at a time when many affected families and businesses are still awaiting financial support.

Demanding Structural Solutions

This experience highlights Spain’s need for more agile emergency protocols capable of mobilizing human and material resources without delays. It is also crucial to create an immediate aid fund to ensure rapid financial support for those facing similar catastrophes. Taxes must be managed transparently, with a focus on protecting citizens.

It is frustrating and painful to see how, while the public worked hand in hand to rebuild their lives, political leaders remained entangled in futile discussions and strategies to gain political advantage. This not only shows a disconnect from the real needs of the people but also a worrying lack of preparedness to handle crises of this magnitude.

At UpViser, we believe that those responsible for this severe lack of action must soon face the legal, administrative, and criminal consequences of their decisions or inaction. Only then can we ensure that Spain does not face another catastrophe of this scale without the help everyone deserves.

Looking Ahead

Despite the challenges, we remain committed to our mission of connecting innovation and health. These past six weeks have been a test of resilience, creativity, and solidarity. We want to express our gratitude to everyone who has supported us during this process—from volunteers and neighbors to our clients and friends.

We hope this holiday season will be a time for reflection and renewed energy to face the challenges of 2025 together. Our experience has taught us that the best way to move forward is with determination, teamwork, and a firm commitment to our community.

We wish you a joyful, creative, and compassionate holiday season with your loved ones and look forward to seeing you in 2025 with renewed energy to achieve all our goals.

Because we all deserve good things to last.

Thank you for being with us and for not forgetting about others.

  • David del Olmo
  • Entrepreneur and Director, UpViser


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